Congress 2013

A chart of the 2013 Congress as of September 2013. One or two seat parties are shown in gray.

Congress after 2013 election

Congress immediately after the election.

The 2013 Congress was the Congress of Lovia between February 1, 2013 and on February 1, 2014, when the 2014 Congress was inaugurated. It was preceded by the 2012 Congress. The 2013 Congress is the third Congress to use the election methods of the 2011 State Reform. Like the previous Congress, the 2013 Congress's executive branch used ministries for its executive branch. The Congress was the first to have a Ministry of Family, Youth, and Elderly. The government chosen by Congress was the Ilava II Government, named after its Prime Minister, Oos Wes Ilava. The 2013 Federal Elections decided the composition of the congress.


The 2013 Congress succeeded the 2012 Congress, and was the third Congress to use the rules of the 2011 State Reform. After inauguration of the Congress on February 1, the Ilava II Government, comprised of a grand coalition of nearly all parties, was put into power on February 7. Oos Wes Ilava was elected Prime Minister in a Congressional poll, and again led a government of ministries.

In late February 2013, several members of the LP and CNP (as well as two independents) split from their parties to form the SCP. However, the SCP split again later in the year, returning Congress approximately to its previous state.


Like the previous two Congresses, the 2013 Congress had 100 members. The Conservative Christian Party of Lovia had the largest number of seats (19). The Green Party gained the most seats (9) compared to last year's Congress, while the Labour Party lost the most (12). Overall, like the previous Congress, the 2013 Congress was split approximately evenly between leftists, centrists, and rightists.

Party Members Percentage Change Notes
Ccpl Conservative Christian Party of Lovia 18 18% increase 0 Sylvester Tso resigned and became an independent in June.
New CNP Conservative Nationalist Party 16 16% increase 8 Lost 7 MOTCs to the SCP in March, regained them in August.
Ul3 United Left 13 13% increase 13 Formed from Labour and the Abrahams branch of the SCP in July.
SLP logo Social Liberal Party 11 11% decrease 3 Lost 1 MOTC to the SCP in March, member did not return upon collapse of SCP.
GP Logo Green Party 11 11% increase 9
PL Logo Positive Lovia

7 7% decrease 5
CDP logo Revision of 2013 Christian Democratic Party 6 6% increase 5
MCP logo Moderate Centrist Party 3 3% increase 0
Lmp logo Limburgish Minority Party 3 3% increase 0
Parti fo Nesavicelost 'Oshenna 2 2% increase 0
LogoKNPO Konservatni an Natsionalistiski Parti 'Oshenna 1 1% increase 1
ARP logo Animal Rights Party 1 1% increase 0
Natsionalistiski Parti 'Oshenna 1 1% increase 1
Porcine Party 1 1% increase 0
RTP Reformed Traditional Party 1 1% increase 0
Independent 5 5% increase 2
List of Congresses Seal of the Congress
2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2009 Republican Provisional - 2009 First Provisional - 2010 - 2011 - 2011 Provisional - 2011 Second - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2014 Provisional - 2015