
The 2014 Congress was the Congress of Lovia between February 1, 2014 and August 1, 2014, when the 2014 Provisional Congress was inaugurated. It was preceded by the 2013 Congress. Like the previous Congress, the 2013 Congress's executive branch used ministries for its executive branch. The government chosen by Congress was the Abrahams I Government, named after its Prime Minister, Justin Abrahams, first new prime minister in two years. The 2014 Federal Elections decided the composition of the congress.


The 2014 Congress succeeded the 2013 Congress, and was the fourth Congress to use the rules of the 2011 State Reform. After inauguration of the Congress on February 1, the Abrahams I Government, comprised of a grand coalition of most parties, was put into power on February 9. Justin Abrahams was elected Prime Minister by one vote in a Congressional poll, and led a government of ministries.

The Congress fell inactive by April, leading to the 2014 Special Federal Elections, partially due to the Burenian invasion of Lovia and a separatist movement in Truth Island, which pre-occupied most of the congresspeople.


Like the previous three Congresses, the 2014 Congress had 100 members. The Conservative Christian Party of Lovia had the largest number of seats (22), followed closely by United Left (21) and the Conservative Nationalist Party (20). United Left gained the most seats (8) compared to last year's Congress, while the Social Liberal Party lost the most (7), as its leader, William Krosby, had gone on political hiatus. Like previous congresses, the 2014 Congress was split fairly evenly between leftists, conservatives, and rightists.

Party Members Percentage Change Notes
Ccpl Conservative Christian Party of Lovia 22 22% increase 4
Ul3 United Left 21 21% increase 8
New CNP Conservative Nationalist Party 20 20% increase 4
GP Logo Green Party 15 15% increase 4
SLP logo Social Liberal Party 4 4% decrease 7
PL Logo Positive Lovia

4 4% decrease 3
Lmp logo Limburgish Minority Party 4 4% increase 1
MCP logo Moderate Centrist Party 2 2% decrease 1
Parti fo Nesavicelost 'Oshenna 2 2% increase 0
RTP Reformed Traditional Party 2 2% increase 1
LogoKNPO Konservatni an Natsionalistiski Parti 'Oshenna 1 1% increase 1
O21 logo Oshenna 21 1 1% increase 1
Independent 2 2% decrease 3
List of Congresses Seal of the Congress
2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2009 Republican Provisional - 2009 First Provisional - 2010 - 2011 - 2011 Provisional - 2011 Second - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2014 Provisional - 2015