This is the 2012 party plan for the CNP, written by Lukas Hoffmann, detailing all major and minor policies and the official views of the party. The CNP came about from a demand for a conservative libertarian force in congress to counteract the problematic left-wing majority. This demand came from the middle class and upper classes who found themselves increasingly alienated by the Communist and Extreme Socialist that seemed to disregard their views. The CNP follows a Conservative Libertarian path on its policies however also recognises on the benefits of the recent rise of nationalism in Lovia and seeks to lead Lovia into a future of prosperity for all, lower, middle and upper class.
In 2011 the CNP joined the national debate after it was given a single seat in congress for Lukas Hoffmann who brought right wing politics to the centre of the debate. The CNP has gained support throughout Lovia during 2011 and has gained the chance to take more seats in the coming elections so we ask you the people of Lovia to vote CNP. We also represent the party with the greatest understanding of Lovian law, therefore making us the best to help further the reforms you need and want.
The CNP has no central policy but strongly values the Lovian economy and legal system. The CNP hopes to become the leading right wing party in Lovia standing for conservatives in all five states. We also wish to stand for liberals and socialists too and believe that without political unity Lovia will never truly get off the ground. We believe that the current congress has represented only the left wing Lovians and so the right wingers have been left harshly unheard of, the CNP plan to change this.
Recently Lovia has experienced civil war, lobbying and corporate conquest. This needs to change if Lovia wants a stable and exciting future full of oppurtunities. Its time for balanced politics, thats for the people, all of the people.
What do we stand for?[]
A more Democratic and Independent Lovia[]
The current democratic system in Lovia is too Unitary. This makes it hard for State Governors to adapt central policy to the local situation. The CNP would see this changed and turn Lovia into a confederation giving State Governors equal or greater power in their States than Congress.
Big Government is Bad Government. The more the government provides as we see it the less competition and so the less quality, this causes problems in places like the health service. We would stress the lack of government owned or funded services and instead provide support for those businesses which would fill the need of the people.
The People don't have a say in the changes to the Constitution or the choice of a Confederate Reform. This is undemocratic and is been dangerous as shown by the violent rebellions of 2011. The people should have an immeadiate vote on the possibility of a confederate reform and there should be a referendum on every change to the constitution.
The Invigoration of Prosperity in Lovia[]
There is a Serious Lack of Focus on Education in Lovia. This could have repercussions for the youth of Lovia who find themselves in a mediocre system that doesn't allow them to reach their full potential. A new bill on the needs of education demanding that primary, secondary schools and universities be registered or built if needed and that a structured curriculum that allows young Lovians to go onto academic and practical careers.
The Current Tax System is Overly Complex and takes Too much Money in a Time of Great Need. The current tax system takes a huge percentage of the money from those who are earning more, acting as a discouragement to work for increased pay and stops the money from being reinvested into Lovian industries. Scrapping the current system and replacing it with a flat tax rate would not only be cheaper to operate but would leave people with more money and would allow more investment for businesses.
Current Import Tax is Protectionist and Stops Foreign Investment and Trade. The tax on imports is too high and stops major players like the UK and China from investing money into Lovian industries and from trading with us. We move to cut the tax down to reasonable level and to get involved in free trade agreements as well as encourage foriegn investment through nations with simular industrial values.
The Defence of Our Homeland[]
There is Too Much Disregard Concerning Immigration Control within Lovia. Too much immigration could push down wages especially if the immigration is of unskilled labourers. Immigration would be dealt with by a points system allowing in only skilled academic and practical workers.
We Need Immigration. The losses of the Lovian Civil War have severely affected Lovia, we need immigration on a controlled and adequate level to bring new life to the nation after such depressing times.
There is Disregard for a Lovian Armed Forces. The Lovian Civil War taught us that we need to be able to respond effectively with a local force to threats to national security, internal or external. A Lovian armed forces could be based nationally or more preferably locally.
Improvement upon Universal Care and Support[]
Health Services are too Tax Heavy within Lovia. This means that the money that could be spent on industry and infrastructure is going to hospitals which rely too heavily on Government assistance. Negotiations with the most efficient and competitive health companies by the government could resolve this and relieve a lot of tax stress.
Monopolisation is on The Rise in Lovia. Problems could arise with lack of competition and could hurt the people of Lovia especially the poorer classes. Monopolisation should be written into the constitution so that no one business may own a significant ammount of any one market.
The Lovian Way of Life[]
Lovian Culture is equal to State Culture. Lovia should never forgoe Lovian Culture in favour of multiculturalism and Lovia and its culture should feature much more widely in all parts of Lovia however this should not take over Seven Culture or simular branches of Lovian culture.
Free Speech is Not Free in Lovia. Lovias current system of free speech adheres to an amount of political correctness limiting what we can say. This should be pushed to Congress as soon as possible as a matter of Human Rights to stop any advancement of political correctness.
We plan to push for a referendum on Lovia changing from a unitary state of governance into a confederate state of governance. This has been demanded for by the majority of Lovians and would bring greater independence and thanks to the CNP has been made into a central issue.
We plan to put in place a system by which congress may not commit or bind completely Lovia to any foreign political union. This would stop unnecessary actions being carried out in the name of a foreign power and not with the interest of the people at heart.
We plan to improve the constitution with simple touch ups and reforms. We hope to expand particularly on Articles 2 through 5 and Article 11. These deal with rights, citizenship, political structure, executive power and the national symbols and languages of Lovia.
We plan to increase the amount of money spent on Lovian public education and fund private education so that options are open for everyone. This would allow us to greatly improve the education young Lovians get and would allow us even to pioneer in education on the world stage with plenty of money for new educational projects.
We plan to introduce a more structured and focused primary education system. We will prepare Lovian students for a practical working life, with mathematics, physical education and the sciences being put ahead of arts and crafts.
We plan to allow people with experience to teach in Lovia. We hope to reform the requirements of being a teacher to allow those with intense experience to share their wisdom with the Lovians of tomorrow by introducing a series of tests to qualify people to be teachers.
Tax Policy[]
We plan to introduce a flat rate progressive income tax at a considerably low amount so that the poor may benefit and be able to save. This is a corner stone of our policies, which allows for a much greater amount of entrepreneurship than the current system.
We plan to introduce a tax ceiling raising those first earnings of L$30,000 out of income tax. This would act as a great benefit to the poor, relieving them from any chance of suffering from financial hardship due to tax, we are the only party with such a progressive plan and feel that this idea must be adopted by other parties.
Foriegn Policy[]
We plan to build relations both social and trading with nations like the United Kingdom, the Benelux states, China and Russia. This would allow close and far trading with great profits and would allow for Lovia to reduce the threat posed by the American Regime to the economy.
We plan to improve our standing in Africa by encouraging investment in the developing industries there. This would secure Lovia should another world recession happen as the interest on investment is high and would help sustain homeland business.
We want to expand our currently thin relations with other wikinations such as Brunant, Harvian Islands and other newcomers to the world stage. This would boost the community effort within Lovia and would help the society to grow as a whole.
We plan to introduce a points system that would allow only skilled academic and practical workers to migrate to Lovia. This would allow for the expansion of our economy and population at a safe rate without jeopardising wages and culture.
We plan to introduce an immigration cap so that the culture and population of Lovia stays with a good majority of Lovians. This would act as a safety net against the chance of any one place in Lovia becoming overwhelmed with other cultures and cuts out the appeal of extremist parties to otherwise sensible people.
We plan to establish a Lovian National Guard to preserve the freedoms of the Lovian people and the unity of the Lovian states. This would ensure that any chance of a future civil war is nulified as the National Guard would act as both a deterrent and a real barrier against threats.
We plan to increase the amount of police on the beat to keep Lovias streets safe and completely crime free. This would give the unemployed jobs and would increase the happiness of the Lovian people due to low crime.
We plan to institute proper police payment programs and plan to extend this to the National Guard if it is passed. This is out of respect for the people who keep Lovia safe and deserve to be paid in full for their commitment.
We aim to expand the investigation branch of the police to allow them to routinely investigate suspicious organisations. This would lower the chances of any groups being able to form organised militias and would stop corporations from overstepping peoples rights.
We aim to introduce a prosecution branch to the police to allow the law of Lovia to be easily asserted. This would allow militias and corporations to be disolved before they can act in a way that is contrary to the good of Lovia.
We plan to introduce a welfare system based completely on vouchers to make sure the system is controlled and cannot be so easily abused. This would mean that food vouchers could be used only for food instead of people wasting money on alcohol and drugs.
We plan to introduce welfare vouchers for the unemployed, disabled and those with families to combat poverty. This would mean that the unemployed without savings may be sustained until they find a new job and that the disabled would not be limited in their oppurtunities and that families would not be broken simply because of financial reasons.
We want to make a secure state pension available for all who have worked in the public sector and minor state pensions available for those who have worked in Lovia for at least 20 years. This would give workers something to look forwards to after retirement and would mean that people would be able to relax and not work into old age because of financial strain.
We will ensure that hand down taxes or taxes on the poor such as corporation tax and value added tax are not implemented within the government. This will allow far greater proper investment in the economy by the poor and will not transfer money from the bottom of society to the top and importantly will not discourage the creation of business.
We will ensure that the government does not try to persue a course of action to take over or to over regulate the private economy. This will allow a much more prosperous Lovian economy to exist and will produce a greater competition and quality.
We will ensure that no tax or over regulation on jobs, job creation or job creators will be created by the government. This will ensure that at any time whether in recession or not, job creation is not a concern and is not hindered by government initiatives.
We plan to bring in regulation on banks to protect the public from the aggressive way banks abuse the public lack of knowledge in financial matters. This will ensure that Lovian banks cannot abuse their customers and do not produce a situation where they cannot pay them back for their lack of competance.
We plan to institute a tax on banks financial transactions to raise money from the very rich instead of the poor. This tax will not be a hand down tax and will be instituted so that bankers cannot avoid it and so that it does not become a value added tax.
We hope to increase the development of roads, railways, harbours and airports in Lovia. This will be a boost to the economy because logistics and the ability to transport are the life flow of any economy that wishes to grow quickly and effectively.
We aim to introduce a government program to help prop up small businesses and give strength to the unfortunately monopolised economy of Lovia. This would improve the competition and quality of the Lovian private sector.
We aim to give government the power to dissolve unsavory businesses in Lovia that abuse their customers and workers. This would improve the quality of lives for many workers and give smaller businesses with better standards a chance to replace larger and more immoral businesses.
We aim to constantly increase equality by making all laws regarding gender and racial equality unbiased and based on choice. This would give a much greater benefit to all citizens within Lovia and would prove the constant regressive voice that asks for so called "positive discrimination", as well as other regressive programs, wrong.
We aim to combat and reverse any attempt or action to regulate the life of the citizens of Lovia. This is to preserve a free democratic society in which people will have guarenteed freedoms such as privacy, speech and association.