Edward M. Roscoe Identity
Name Edward M. Roscoe
Full name Edward Monroe Roscoe
Sex Male Male
Born July 28 1921, Flag of Canada Toronto
Deceased August 7 1991, Flag of Lovia Small Noble City
Spouse Terry Robertson Roscoe
Home Seal of Noble City Noble City
Functions Governor of Sylvania
Languages English, French, Italian, Dutch

Edward Monroe Roscoe (Toronto, July 28 1921 - Noble City, August 7 1991) was a Lovian writer, poet, essayist, and politician. He was elected Governor of Sylvania in the State Elections, 1958 and consecutively re-elected in 1960. After three consecutive terms of Thelma Parr Sennett Roscoe was re-elected in 1968. He was a very popular Governor.

In the 1940s he started writing poems and short stories in the genre of Anton P. Chekhov. These stories would remain unrevealed to the public until the 1970s, when these made E.M. Roscoe famous. In the meanwhile he had been writing several modernist poems and society essays. His most famous work probably is Essay on the People's Thoughts.

He was a contemporary and close friend of Alexander Longford.


Edward M. Roscoe was born in Toronto and had an American father and an Italian mother, who died early. Edward was married to Terry Robertson Roscoe and had two children: Mary Monroe Roscoe and Elisabeth Robertson Roscoe.


  • 1943 - Flatlands (poems from 1941 through 1943)
  • 1946 - Normandy (poems from 1941 through 1945)
  • 1950 - 1950 (poems from 1949 through 1950)
  • 1951 - Essay: What If Famine Strikes Us All? (essay)
  • 1954 - Essay: What After Famine Strikes Us All? (essay)
  • 1955 - Rolling Down the Hill (poems from 1955)
  • 1961 - Woman, Essay on Devilish Beauty (essay)
  • 1967 - Metamorphoses: a Decade (poems from 1957 through 1967)
  • 1969 - The Doctor and the Farmer (three short stories from the 1960s)
  • 1971 - Stories of the Hill Land (five short stories from the 1940s)
  • 1972 - More Stories (five short stories from the 1940s)
  • 1973 - Eleanore (eight short stories from 1972)
  • 1975 - MANkind (essay)
  • 1976 - Cheyenne (fiction)
  • 1977 - Highway Stories (five short stories from the 1940s)
  • 1984 - Stories of the Emeralds (short stories from the 1970s and 1980s)
  • 1989 - Who is the Who? (essay)

See also[]
