Seal of the Ilava I Government
The Ilava I Government was Lovia's national executive government, lasting from February 1, 2012, to February 7, 2013, serving alongside the 2012 First Congress. It was preceded by the Villanova II Government, which ruled during the term of 2011 Second Congress. The composition of the government had been discussed since the beginning of the voting stage of the 2012 Federal Elections. After the election's outcome was revealed, it became apparent that leftists, liberals, and rightists had won approximately equal numbers of seats, and that it was proving difficult to make a deal between two of the factions.
Eventually, an agreement was brokered to include various parties across the spectrum in the government. However, the selection of the Prime Minister remained a problem. Leftists proposed Marcus Villanova and Justin Abrahams, Liberals proposed William Krosby, and Rightists proposed Oos Wes Ilava for the post. A referendum was scheduled to occur until the day before Inauguration Day. In addition, Joshua Katz of the Porcine Party ran his own campaign to be elected Prime Minister by Congress. Villanova later withdrew from the referendum to pursue becoming the Minister of Tourism and Sport. Ilava finished the referendum with 53% of the vote. Main parties agreed for Ilava to become the new Prime Minister by Inauguration Day.
Following Ilava's selection as the nominee for Prime Minister to head up the grand coalition, the Ilava I Government was drawn up, taking members from all over the political spectrum, from CPL.nm to CCPL. It was approved in Congress with a huge majority.