Joseph McKinley Identity
Joseph McKinley
Name Joseph McKinley
Full name Joseph Horace William McKinley
Sex Male Male
Born July 6 1955, Kinley
Deceased November 25th 1994, {{{placedeath}}}
Spouse Amelie Benevolant McKinley
Home Kinley
Functions Governor of Seven
Mayor of Kinley
Languages English, French, Latin, Dutch

Joseph Horace William McKinley (Kinley, July 6 1955) was an important Lovian politician. He served as Governor of Seven from 1982 until 1986 and from 1988 until 1994, a total of five terms. During his time as Governor of Seven he was also the mayor of Kinley, the capital of Seven, from 1981 till 1991. Joseph McKinley married Amelie Benevolant McKinley on May 1, 1980, with whom he has three children. His eldest, Patrick McKinley, was a Mayor of Kinley and former Congressman.

McKinley joined the Socialist Party of Seven at the age of sixteen, but left two years later in protest at their Lovianization policies. He stood for election the following year as an 'independent socialist,' the youngest candidate ever to stand in a Lovian election. Despite his age, he shocked everyone by achieving 21% of the vote, which was more than the deeply unpopular incumbent Anny Smith Peterson.

Eight years later McKinley stood again on an independent platform, and went on to win two terms as Governor. He established cordial relations with the Unionist opposition who held a majority of the seats in the state council. Although some commented on the strangeness of this relationship between a left-wing governor and the traditionally right wing party, historians note that the Unionists had drifted leftwards since the collapse of the Socialist Party and that in fact their ideologies were not very different.

McKinley was succeeded as Governor by Unionist Thomas Percivals, a Christian democrat who attempted to return his party towards the right of the political spectrum. Towards the end of Percivals' first term, McKinley made a surprise announcement that he was returning to politics as a member of the Unionist Party (it later emerged that he had been persuaded into this step by friends to the left of the Unionists who were concerned about the trends in the Unionists' internal politics). McKinley narrowly defeated Percivals in the primary election and went on to win another three terms as Governor for the Unionist Party.

It became clear to the public during the third term that McKinley was no longer very healthy and had in fact become incredibly thin, but he evaded all questions regarding the issue. After his defeat in the 1994 state elections by Communist Adrian Benevolant, he disappeared from public view completely. Seven months later, his death from stomach cancer was announced in The Noble City Times, with the information that he had been fed intravenously from almost a year before the election, due to the inability to eat which the illness caused him.


See Also[]
