
Oos Wes Ilava.
List Oos Wes Ilava or LOWIA was a Lovian political party which was founded on December 12, 2009. The leader, founder and namesake of the party was Oos Wes Ilava, who was a 2010 Member of the Congress. The party was mainly functionalistic and had some conservative viewpoints. It wasn't outspoken Christian, but it could be classified as a Christian democrat party, being less conservative than the Conservative Christian Party of Lovia and more so than the Liberal Union.
In March 2010 it fused with the Liberal Democrats, but later on it was revived as the Conservative Christian Party of Lovia.
- The market should be able to function freely, but whenever state interference is needed, it should be done.
- LOWIA wants more money for education and science.
- Lovia is one of the leading countries in the environmental issues, so we don't need to spend even more money on that one. Other nations first have to catch in with us.
- Euthanasia and abortus are killing of human life and so should be forbidden in all situations.
- Mayors should have less power. Chairmen should get an advice function to the mayor, while the mayor should only have a few functions. A governor should be the only one to decide whether a town can expand or not. For now, council boards will probably not work in any other state than Sylvania.
- LOWIA supports the direct election of the Prime Minister, separate of the current Federal Elections. We want to keep the Federal and the State elections.
- We do not support any new local languages. Lovian English should be official in entire Lovia and Oceana should be, together with Lovian English, official in entire Oceana. Both Oceana and English may be used there in administration, but when using Oceana, an English translation is mandatory.
- The party would like to introduce referenda in order to know the opinion of the citizens. Power to the people!
- Oos Wes Ilava - 2010 MOTC candidate, founder, namesake