The logo with the Limburgish name and the Lovian name.
The Limburgish Minority Party (Limburgish: Platsmènderhedpartie) is one of the two political minority parties and is the representant in Congress of Limburgish people. It currently holds three seats, which are occupied by Lón Haezeldónk, Joean Góldhammer, and Martijn Mans. Most voters of the party live in Little Europe and Oceana. It's a right-wing Roman Catholic Christian party. Some of the major points are setting up a National Commision for the Protection of Immigrant Minorities (NCPIM), spreading Limburgish language and culture throughout Lovia and cooperation with Mäöres. In Congress the Limburgish Minority Party is part of the conservative Christian block.
An interesting fact is that the Limburgish Minority Party gets relatively more votes than there are Limburgish people in Lovia. This is partially due to higher electional participation of the Limburgish minority, as well as less-conservative non-Limburgish Christians voting LMP instead of CCPL.
For the biggest part, the ideas of the party are the same as those of the Romanian Minority Party. It also has a lot in common with CCPL and MCP.
Economic views[]
- The economy should be free, but it should be possible to intervene if necessary and the government should have the right to set up own companies and institutions.
Ethical and ethnical views[]
- We support the illegalization of euthanasia, abortion, prostitution and drugs. The tobacco law should be made more flexible however.
- Sunday should remain Sunday.
- Special and regular education should become equally financed. Religious education should be possible instead of mainstream public education.
- There should be more room for other languages in Lovia. Limburgish should become an official minority language.
- Minorities should have the right on their own free holidays.
Political views[]
- Lovia should remain a member of the International Wiki Organisation.
- We are in favor of the monarchy. The King should have an automatic seat in the congress, but he can't get any departments and he can't be Prime Minister of Lovia or judge.
- We do not support the direct election of the Prime Minister, separate from the current Federal Elections.
- We propose a decentralisation. States should get more autonomy.
- We propose two judges per case if it is a case of national security in order to increase the neutrality of the Supreme Court.
Social issues[]
- Health care should be free to all who pay for it.
- There must be a social security, however the payments should be minimal to encourage people who can work to search for work. People with a disability and retired people should get another type of payment.
- Immigrants should be allowed living in Lovia faster.
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