Harrison Flint

John Harrison Flint

This is the full list of Governors of Seven, starting from 1905. In history, many Governors of Seven have been Mayors of the state capital, Kinley.

The Governorship has existed since 1905. Governors live and work in Kinley, and officially reside at the Pink House.


Begin term End term Governor Political affiliation Elections Origin Life time Comments
1905 1911 Harrison Flint Flintist 1905 SE
1907 SE
1909 SE
American-Lovian 1864-1931 Three consecutive terms; Father of Oliver Flint
1911 1915 Oliver Flint Flintist 1911 SE
1913 SE
American-Lovian 1885-1968 Two consecutive terms; Son of Harrison Flint
1915 1919 Henri James Rutherford, Jr. Unionist 1915 SE
1917 SE
Canadian-Lovian 1869-1941 Two consecutive terms
1919 1921 Samuel Sawyer Unionist 1919 SE Lovian 1880-1952
1921 1927 James Nelson Flintist 1921 SE
1923 SE
1925 SE
Lovian 1881-1930 Three consecutive terms; fell ill short after ending his third term
1927 1927 Horatius Domingo Independent 1927 SE Lovian 1889-1927 Died a mysterious way during his first year as Governor
Was replaced by the former Governor for another year
1927 1929 James Nelson Flintist not elected Lovian 1881-1930 Replaced Horatius Domingo after he died during office
1929 1943 Henri Burton Socialist 1929 SE
1931 SE
1933 SE
1935 SE
1937 SE
1939 SE
1941 SE
Lovian 1890-1961 Seven consecutive terms; Henri Burton always said he would serve seven consecutive terms, to honor his state "Seven". He won his last election very narrowly though there was tough concurrence, because many wanted him to succeed in his symbolist action
1943 1945 William Trumbel Unionist 1943 SE Irish-Lovian 1906-1971 Tried several years to get elected, but lost year after year from Henri Burton, until he finally won one election in 1943
1945 1947 Kirtsen Blacksmith Unionist 1945 SE Lovian 1901-1953 Kinley Mayor from 1945 to 1953
1947 1956 Heather Tinley Socialist 1947 SE
1949 SE
1951 SE
1953 SE
Lovian 1910-1993 Four consecutive terms; First female Governor of Seven
1956 1962 Davis Miller Unionist 1956 SE
1958 SE
1960 SE
Lovian 1920-1998 Three consecutive terms
1962 1966 Anny Smith Peterson Socialist 1962 SE
1964 SE
Lovian 1923 Two consecutive terms; Second female Governor
1966 1970 Davis Miller Unionist 1966 SE
1968 SE
Lovian 1920-1998 Two consecutive term; five totally
1970 1974 Anny Smith Peterson Socialist 1970 SE
1972 SE
Lovian 1923 Two consecutive terms; four totally
1974 1982 Gregory J.H. Mertens Unionist 1974 SE
1976 SE
1978 SE
1980 SE
Belgian-American 1923-1986 Four consecutive terms; Very popular Governor who quit after four terms because he proclaimed the 1982 State Elections weren't democratic anymore.
1982 1986 Joseph McKinley Independent 1982 SE
1984 SE
Lovian 1955 Two consecutive terms; Father of Patrick McKinley; Served as Mayor of Kinley from 1981 to 1991
1986 1988 Thomas Percivals Unionist 1986 SE Lovian 1939-1997
1988 1994 Joseph McKinley Unionist 1988 SE
1990 SE
1992 SE
Lovian 1955 Three consecutive terms; five totally
1994 1996 Adrian Benevolant Communist 1994 SE American-Lovian 1960
1996 1998 Anne De Schryver Communist 1996 SE Dutch-Lovian 1971
1998 2000 William Trumbel III Unionist 1998 SE Lovian 1960 Grandson of William Trumbel
2000 2004 Jared Buchanan Northern Lovian Party 2000 SE
2002 SE
Lovian 1966-2004 Two consecutive terms; Died in the last week of his second term
2004 2008 Judy Almore King's Party 2004 SE
2006 SE
Lovian 1974 Two consecutive terms
2008 2008 Patrick McKinley Independent 2008 SE Lovian 1992 Resigned due to personal reasons; Son of Joseph McKinley; Current Mayor of Kinley
2008 2010 Lars Washington Independent 2008 SE Lovian Unknown Elected in a special second session of the State Elections, 2008
2010 2011 Jon Johnson CPL.nm 2010 SE Lovian Unknown Also a Member of the Congress
2011 2013 Semyon Breyev Independent 2011 SE
2012 SE
2013 SE
Lovian 1974 First Lovian of Russian background ever to hold the post; also an MOTC. Died in office
2014 2015 Alexei Krasnov CNP not elected Lovian 1981 Elected Deputy in 2013; became Gov. after Breyev's death
2015 2015 Aina Sarria RI 2015 SE Brunanter 1973
2015 2015 Justin Abrahams UL 2015 SE Lovian 1992 Former Governor of Clymene


Timeline of governors - click to expand
Justin AbrahamsAina SarriaAlexei KrasnovSemyon BreyevJon JohnsonLars WashingtonPatrick McKinleyJudy AlmoreJames BuchananWilliam Trumbel IIIAnne De SchryverAdrian BenevolantJoseph McKinleyThomas PercivalsJoseph McKinleyGregory J.H. MertensAnny Smith PetersonDavis MillerAnny Smith PetersonDavis MillerHeather TinleyKirtsen BlacksmithWilliam TrumbelHenri BurtonJames NelsonHoratio DomingoJames NelsonSamuel SawyerHenri James Rutherford, Jr.Oliver FlintHuckleberry Flint

See also[]
