Logo de look

Look is a fashion company of Traspes that is one of the country's largest companies and most recognized in the world. Look was founded in 1980 by Sergio Frances and Ingrid Nieminen and has become a big business. It is owned by Modalia SA.

Look opened in Lovia in 2008 and there are 4 stores in the country.


Look has clothing lines for women, men and children. Look collection has prices of 10,00$ to 64,00$ and includes shirts and blouses, skirts, pants, dresses, lingerie and jackets. All this is offered in three lines, FUN (fun and casual fashion), LUX (elegant and modern) and ECO (practical clothes and eco-conscious). Look also offers accessories such as handbags, wallets and belts to compliment your style.

Look offers for men shirts, pants, and other simple and elegant clothes. Look since 2014 has the Jordans collection for men, made and designed with the Brunanter player Oliver Jordans. Look also has the Cettatie footballer Daniel Paradis for a model.

WOMAN'S 2014MEN'S 2014


Most of the Look fashion is made in Traspes and Morocco. Before 1999 all of it was made in Traspes.

Look Stores[]

See also[]
