Mark Eastwood Identity
Mark Eastwood.
Name Mark Eastwood
Full name Mark John James Eastwood
Sex Male Male
Born October 23, 1972, Seal of Hurbanova Hurbanova
Home Seal of Hurbanova Hurbanova
Functions Politician, Minister of Family, Youth, and Elderly
Party affiliation CCPL
Languages English, Oceana
Roman Catholic
Member of the Congress
Term 2012 Congress
2013 Congress
2014 Congress

Mark John James Eastwood is a Lovian politician. He is a member of the Conservative Christian Party of Lovia. Eastwood was raised Roman Catholic and is an Oceana nationalist. He is part of the more pragmatic part of CCPL and supports a separate Church of Oceana. Mark Eastwood is the incumbent Minister of Family, Youth, and Elderly.


Mark Eastwood was born October 23, 1972 to a middle-class Hurbanovan family, the same date as Oos Wes Ilava. In 1985, he went to Shkola Hurbanovni and at the age of nineteen he decided to study sociology at Blackburn University.


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