Ministry of Commerce Logo

The Ministry of Commerce is a Lovian federal ministry. Some of the duties of the ministry include regulating corporations, running state owned and involved companies where other ministries are not involved, inspecting industry, ensuring fairness between companies and also regulating domestic and international trade. The ministry was founded on February 1, 2012, the day of the Inauguration of the Ilava I Government and 2012 Congress. It began operations the next day, on February 2, replacing the former Department of Industry, Agriculture and Trade. The incumbent Minister of Commerce is Charles Jones (PNT). 

List of Ministers of Commerce[]


  • Directing of the economical competition, trade and investment.
  • Regulation and organisation of the lovian industrial market.
  • Providing and controlling of statistics and economic information.
  • Caring for sustainable consumption and production.
  • Encouraging and assisting industry in adopt new technology and practice.

See also[]

Lovian Federal Ministries
Agriculture - Commerce - Culture - Defense - Education - Energy and Resources - Environment - Family, Youth, and Elderly - Finance - Foreign Affairs - Health - Justice - Labour - Minorities - Science - Social Affairs - Tourism and Sport - Transportation