The Ministry of Education is a Lovian federal ministry. The Ministry of Education's job is to regulate and create the schools, preschools, and colleges of Lovia, write the curriculum, and ensure the quality of education. The ministry was founded on February 1, 2012, the day of the Inauguration of the Ilava I Government and 2012 Congress, with operations commencing the next day (February 2). The incumbent Minister of Education is William Krosby (SLP).
List of Ministers of Education[]
- February 1 2012 - February 7 2013 - Matthew McComb (PL)
- February 7 2013 - February 9 2014 - William Krosby (SLP)
- February 9 2014 - May 8 2015 - Marcel Cebara (UL) (two terms)
- May 9 2015 - June 2015 - William Krosby (SLP)
See also[]
Lovian Federal Ministries |
Agriculture - Commerce - Culture - Defense - Education - Energy and Resources - Environment - Family, Youth, and Elderly - Finance - Foreign Affairs - Health - Justice - Labour - Minorities - Science - Social Affairs - Tourism and Sport - Transportation |