The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a federal Lovian ministry concerned with foreign relations, foreign policy, diplomacy, and international representation. The ministry was founded on February 1, 2012, the day of the Inauguration of the Ilava I Government and 2012 First Congress. It began operations the next day, on February 2, replacing the former Department of Foreign Affairs. The incumbent minister is Liam Mitchell (LF).
List of Ministers of Foreign Affairs[]
- February 1 2012 - February 7 2013 - Semyon Breyev (independent)
- February 7 2013 - February 9 2014 - Justin Abrahams (UL)
- February 9 2014 - May 8 2015 - Martin H. Sheraldin (GP) (two terms)
- May 9 2015 - present - Liam Mitchell (LF)
Foreign relations[]
Main article: Foreign relations of Lovia.
The purpose of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is to monitor the foreign relations of Lovia and advise Congress on important legislation concerning the international position of Lovia. 'Foreign relations' comprises several fields of action amongst which diplomatic recognition, conflict resolution and international trade are the most important. Lovia has remained isolationist for the bigger part of its history, only establishing big trade treaties after the Second World War and never directly interfering with another nation's policy.
Most Lovians like to think globally and consider themselves to be 'citizens of the world'. These views are an inherent part of the Lovian society which is a mixture of various cultural backgrounds. This attitude goes so far that Lovian diplomats often consider themselves to be more close to the host nation then to Lovia itself. A general oversight of Lovia's relation with other countries can be found here.
Embassies of the wikinations[]
All nations recognized by the Lovian government are entitled to an embassy on Lovian soil. This embassy is considered to fall within the jurisdiction of the occupying country and functions as first contact between that nation and Lovia. An ambassador is appointed in consultation with the national government and has the right to perform diplomatic acts. A list of all embassies of wikinations in Lovia:
Adlibitan Embassy (6 Flower Avenue, Little Europe, NC) - ambassador Marian Caragiale
Brunanter Embassy (2 Cavour Avenue, New Town, NC) - ambassador Tania Figueras-Costa
Libertan Embassy (8 Democracy Avenue, Bayside, NC) - ambassador Sam Huys
Mäöreser Embassy (1 Innovation Avenue, Citizen Corner, NC) - ambassador Oos Wes Ilava
Traspesian Embassy (4 Shopping Street, New Town, NC) - ambassador Sebastian Caballete
Southern Arc Islands Embassy (2 Ocean Avenue, Little Frisco, NC) - ambassador Karen Miller
Embassies of Lovia[]
The MoFA will open embassies in other nations beginning in 2013, in order to better serve Lovians abroad and to give the kingdom further presence internationally.
- Lovian Embassy, Brunant: Ambroos-straat 2, Koningstad (John Knair, ambassador)
- Lovian Embassy, Libertas: Egmondstraat 3, Wikistad (Jerry Bowman, ambassador)
- Lovian Embassy, Traspes: Calle Mercés 7, Alcacer (Erica Hrbiť, ambassador)
- Lovian Embassy, Inselöarna: Möresgatan 1, Wikiborg
- Strasland
See also[]
Lovian Federal Ministries |
Agriculture - Commerce - Culture - Defense - Education - Energy and Resources - Environment - Family, Youth, and Elderly - Finance - Foreign Affairs - Health - Justice - Labour - Minorities - Science - Social Affairs - Tourism and Sport - Transportation |