
The Ministry of Tourism and Sport is a Lovian federal ministry. The duties of the Minister of Tourism and Sport are to report to Congress about the federal LSCA run leagues and to manage tourism within the nation. The ministry is also in charge of everything from the head of the LSCA to employing and drug testing players in the league. In addition, the ministry heads tourism plans and services. The ministry was founded on February 1, 2012, the day of the Inauguration of the Ilava I Government and 2012 Congress. It began operations the next day, on February 2. The incumbent Minister of Tourism and Sport is Levi Straszev (GP).

List of Ministers of Tourism and Sport[]


See Also[]

Lovian Federal Ministries
Agriculture - Commerce - Culture - Defense - Education - Energy and Resources - Environment - Family, Youth, and Elderly - Finance - Foreign Affairs - Health - Justice - Labour - Minorities - Science - Social Affairs - Tourism and Sport - Transportation