NPP logo

Logo of the NPP. It is unclear why the party uses a clenched fist.

The Newhaven People's Party was a local Lovian political party based in the City of Newhaven. It was well-known for its ownership of the supermarket Lizard. Although the party was around for some time, it had little influence in Lovian politics, due to the fact that it had never stood candidates in any election. The party was formerly led by Semyon Breyev, but after he joined the Liberal Democrats he was forced to leave the party. The former chairman is Raphael Scharfenburger.


The Newhaven Party was founded in 1997, but never stood any candidates in either state or federal elections. Instead, it has tried to achieve its aims through peaceful campaigning.

It became famous when it organised a boycott in Newhaven of products from the Joplings supermarket. Put under severe pressure, the owner, J.W. Grindon, Jr., was forced to sell the two Joplings stores in Newhaven to the Newhaven Party. They were renamed Lizard. The incident was widely publicised and both supermarket and store became popular with the inhabitants of Newhaven. Shares in Lizard were divided between members of the party, and many people became members simply to own shares.

In the August of 2013 the Party dissolved merging into the newly formed United Left which was founded by Marcus Villanova to be a center/liberal local political party fielding candidates throughout the nation.

Relationship with other parties[]

The party has good relations with other parties, including the other 'local parties':

In elections the party tends to support the most progressive parties, for instance, the Labour and SLP.

Former chairman Semyon Breyev reportedly considered breaking with tradition and uniting with the other local parties in the next federal election, to form a 'party for independants'. However, this seems unlikely after Breyev joined the Liberal Democrats. The new chairman, Raphael Scharfenburger has said that he will not stand for election 'unless the party wants it'.


As the NP has never stood in any national election but is considered progressive. Those which it does have relate solely to local issues. The NP opposed the destruction of Newhaven neighborhood Pines, but has recently dropped its opposition to this. The NP stands for better funding for schools and more money to welfare families in Newhaven. 
