Princess Manon Identity
Princess Manon
Name Princess Manon
Full name Princess Manon of Lovia, Manon Amber Ramsley Noble
Sex Female Female
Born June 3, 1908, Noble City
Deceased December 2, 1988, Noble City
Spouse Prince Noah
Home Seal of Noble City Noble City
Functions Princess of Lovia (1940-1988)
Languages English, French, Spanish, Dutch

Princess Manon of Lovia or Manon Amber Ramsley Noble (Noble City, 1908 - 1988) was a Lovian princess and the spouse of Prince Noah. She was born to Andrew Frederick Ramsley and Silvia Coningham. She married to Prince Noah in 1940 and they had two children: Prince Theodore and Princess Lucy-Anne. She worked part-time as a newspaper editor and later as a restaurant reviewer.


See also[]

Flag of King's Gardens
Royal Standard
Flag of Noble City The Royal Family of Lovia Flag of Noble City
Kings and queens: King Arthur I x Queen Anne - King Arthur II x Queen Amelia - Queen Lucy I x King Joseph - King Lucas I x Queen Elisabeth - King Arthur III - King Dimitri I x Queen Mary Elisabeth - King Sebastian I x Queen Louise
Living princes and princesses: Prince Alexander - Princess Alice - Prince Arthur - Princess Elisabeth - Prince Joseph - Princess Lucy-Anne - Princess Sylvia (wd) - Princess Helena x Anthony Mortensen
Deceased princes and princesses: Prince Noah x Princess Manon - Prince Theodore - Prince Thomas x Princess Sarah
Other articles: Great Royal Palace - Jacobian branch of the royal family - King's Gardens - King's Landmark - Line of succession - Member of the Congress by Right - Old Royal Palace - Palati Daidalo - Robert Noble - Royal Family - Royal Standard - Ruling monarch