Robin Ferguson Identity
Name Robin Ferguson
Full name Robin Vitali Ferguson
Born June 3, 1994, Flag of Belgium Ghent
Home China Avenue 3, Sofasi, Clymene (CL-SO-01)
Functions Member of the Congress
Secretary of EE
Governor of Clymene
Mayor of Sofasi
Languages Speaks well: English, Dutch
Also some: French
And very little: German
Roman Catholic

Robin V. Ferguson is a Lovian politician and businessman. He was elected Member of the Congress in 2008 and became Secretary of Energy and Environment. Ferguson is the Sofasi Mayor, Clymene Governor and the Chairman of the National Park Service. He is the owner of the Lokixx Comp.

Ferguson is a vegetarian since Spring 2008.


In the night of June 3, 1994, Robin Ferguson was born in a hospital in Ghent, Belgium. He lived in Belgium for two years and September 16, 1996, they moved to Lovia, more specific to Abby Springs, Newhaven. The family started a new life in Lovia. Ferguson's mother worked in a shop, his father was a workman.

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