Sylvania state flag
The Sylvania State Law (officially the New Sylvanian State Law) is the official State Law of the state of Sylvania. The first laws of Sylvania were written by former Governor and King Dimitri I. It was the first Lovian state law to be written and enacted after the signing of the new Constitution. After State laws were abolished in 2010, many political forces within the state began fighting to regain them. Eventually in 2013 State laws were re established and came back into power, the then Governor Lukas Hoffmann declared a reformation for the old Sylvanian State Law Book, and made it void and then instated a new book which were detailed as the New Sylvanian State Law (which contained a Sylvanian Constitution and a Sylvanian State Law).
Sylvanian Constitution[]
- In the beliefs of liberty and justice, the ideals of the settlers of this land and in the name of the six peoples who make up this State and the values they uphold, this Constitution for the State of Sylvania is established.
Article 1 - Fundamental declarations[]
- Sylvania is a sovereign, federal and indivisible state within the Kingdom of Lovia.
- Sylvania is a democratic and liberal state, governed by rule of law, in which human dignity, the citizens' rights and freedoms, the free development of human personality, justice and political pluralism represent supreme values, in the spirit of the democratic traditions of the Sylvanian people and shall be guaranteed.
- Sylvania shall be governed on the basis of separation, checks and balances of power with three branches, legislative, executive and judicial within the framework of a constitutional democracy.
- Sylvania can, in order with the Lovian Constitution, enact its own laws. The Sylvanian Constitution is the highest law in Sylvania below the Lovian Constitution, the observance of the Sylvanian Constitution and State Law, their supremacy shall be mandatory.
- The state sovereignty shall reside within the Sylvanian people, that shall exercise it by means of their representative bodies, resulting from free, periodical and fair elections, as well as by referendum. No person or group may therefore exercise sovereignty in their own name.
- Sylvania is a democracy, ruled by the incumbent Governor and Deputy Governor.
- The capital of Sylvania is Noble City.
- The state symbol of Sylvania is the oak leaf.
- The state colour of Sylvania is navy blue.
- The state seal of Sylvania is this seal.
- The state flag of Sylvania is this flag.
- The state languages of Sylvania are Lovian English, Dutch, French and German.
- The official motto of Sylvania is: Our roots grow deep.
- The official nickname of Sylvania is: the Oakwood State.
Article 2 - Legislative branch in Sylvania[]
- All state legislative powers are vested in the Sylvanian State Council, which shall consist of a Council of Representatives.
- The Council of Representatives shall be composed of members elected every year by the people of Sylvania.
- Members must have a residence in Sylvania and must have been a Sylvanian resident for at least three months.
- Members shall be elected in two ways, by constituency and by state list.
- Each region will have at least one constituency. Each constituency shall represent a culturally similar area, shall be as equal to other constituencies in population as possible and shall number thirty.
- A committee shall be formed known as the Sylvanian Electoral Committee which shall be elected by the State Council when they wish to review constituency boundaries. The committee shall be made up of 5 members elected by the Sylvanian State Council and will have the power to change the boundaries of the constituencies within Sylvanian State Law.
- Ten members shall be elected from a list voted on by the entire state of Sylvania.
- Each region will have at least one constituency. Each constituency shall represent a culturally similar area, shall be as equal to other constituencies in population as possible and shall number thirty.
- The Council of Representatives shall elect a speaker, who shall manage the meetings of the Council.
- The Council of Representatives shall elect a First Minister, who shall act as the leader of the Council.
- The State Council shall meet once a year, in August to evaluate the performance of the Council. This date shall be set by the Governor.
- The State Council may punish its members for disorderly behaviour.
- Should the behaviour be considered disruptive enough, the member may be expelled with a one-half majority.
- The State Council shall keep a record of their proceedings.
- A round of the State Council starts when a bill is proposed in the Council of Representatives.
- The round is divided into a debate on the bill, proposal to move the bill, voting on the bill and then presentation to the Governor. During the debate members may propose amendments to the bill, which the proposer may accept or refuse. The proposal to move the bill is started by the proposer of the bill or the speaker and after the proposal to move the bill succeeds it may not be altered. During the voting on the bill members may vote on whether to pass the bill.
- Representatives have one vote each and may cast it in favour of moving of moving the bill or not cast it at all, only cast votes are counted.
- If a bill is moved by at least four Representatives then it may be voted upon by the Council of Representatives. Should the bill fail to be moved then it remains under debate until it is moved or expires.
- Representatives have one vote each and may cast it in favour of the bill or against it or not cast it at all, only cast votes are counted.
- If a bill passes through the Council of Representatives with a one-half majority in the case of the Sylvanian State Law or two-thirds in the case of the Sylvanian Constitution, it can be presented to the Governor for their approval who has two weeks to approve or veto the law, ending the round. Should the Governor fail to approve the law then it is considered to be vetoed.
- A bill will expire if it hasn't been moved 28 days after being proposed. Voting lasts for 7 days.
- A register will be kept of previous and current Sylvania State Councils. The register, which shall be known as the Sylvania State Councillor Order, shall file the names of each councillor, the controllers of each councillor list and the political parties of each councillor. It shall also record the First Minister and Speaker of each council. It shall be a role of the Sylvanian Government to keep this register up to date.
- No member of the State Council may combine a special position within the legislative with a special position within the executive or judicial branch.
Article 3 - Executive branch in Sylvania[]
- All state executive powers are vested in the Government of Sylvania, which shall consist of the Governor, Deputy and any persons they employ in assistance of their roles.
- The Governor and Deputy shall be, in accordance with the Lovian Constitution, elected every year by the people of Sylvania.
- The Governor and Deputy must have a residence in Sylvania and must have been a Sylvanian resident for at least a year.
- The Governor and Deputy must be present at the meeting of the Sylvanian State Council in August.
- The Governor or Deputy may be removed from the Government of Sylvania should they have committed a crime of serious enough calibre by a one-half majority in the Sylvanian State Council.
- Neither Governor or Deputy may combine their office within the executive with a special position within the legislative or judicial branch.
Article 4 - Judicial branch in Sylvania[]
- All state judicial powers are vested in the Judge of Sylvania, which shall consist of a Judge and any persons they employ in assistance of their role.
- The Judge is appointed by the Governor with the consent of the Deputy.
- The Judge must have a residence in Sylvania and must have been a Sylvanian resident for at least two months.
- The Judge may, should they find any law passed by the Sylvanian State Council unconstitutional or in contradiction to other laws, bar it from entering law and restart the current round in the Council.
- Should a Judge bar a law for any other reason other than a clear constitutional violation or a lawful contradiction then they shall be removed from office.
- The Judge must be present at the meeting of the Sylvanian State Council in August.
- The Judge may be removed from office should they have committed a crime of serious enough calibre by a one-half majority in the Sylvanian State Council.
- The Judge may not combine their office within the judicial with a special position within the legislative or executive branch.
Article 5 - Elections in Sylvania[]
- Every year elections shall be held in Sylvania for the Sylvanian State Council and the Sylvanian Government.
- The term of office for any elected official is a year.
- During this article the term 'region' refers to these 6 geographic areas.
- Noble City District and the Noble City Bay Area District.
- Oostermond District and the East Sylvania District.
- Train Village District and the Train Village Plains District.
- Clave Rock District and the Sylvanian Highlands District.
- Charleston District and the Stephen Headlands District.
- Pool District and the Discovery Island District.
- Elections for the Sylvanian State Council will take place over the period of three weeks and are held in all six regions of Sylvania.
- Elections for all thirty constituencies are held exactly at the same time as the elections for the Sylvanian Government.
- During a period of two weeks individuals may register candidacies for constituencies for each region, this begins exactly three weeks before inauguration of the State Council. No one person may register candidacies in more than half of the regions.
- Candidates must have a residence in Sylvania and must have been a Sylvanian resident for at least six months.
- A political party may register only one candidate in a region.
- During a period of one week any Sylvanian Resident may cast their votes in favour of candidates in the elections. Any citizen 16 or older may exercise their right to vote, this begins exactly one week before inauguration of the State Council.
- There are three different votes, a major vote worth three points, a minor vote worth two and a support vote worth one.
- Sylvanian Residents may cast a major vote and support vote in the region where their residence resides.
- Sylvanian Residents may cast a minor vote and support vote in all other regions.
- All candidates will complete the elections with an amount of votes, with the exception of those that have withdrawn.
- The two candidates with the most votes shall have at least half of the regional seats allocated between them via the D'hondt method of proportional representation. In cases where there is only one seat, that seat is allocated to the candidate with the most votes.
- The rest of the seats shall be distributed amongst all candidates via the D'hondt method of proportional representation.
- In the case of a tie, a one day re-vote for the disputed seat will have to be taken.
- During a period of two weeks individuals may register candidacies for constituencies for each region, this begins exactly three weeks before inauguration of the State Council. No one person may register candidacies in more than half of the regions.
- Elections for the ten seats on the state wide list are held exactly at the same time as the elections for Sylvanian Government.
- During a period of two weeks parties may register a list from which representatives will be elected for the state, this begins exactly three weeks before the inauguration of the State Council. These lists should contain a list of primary party members, who will control the seats that will be awarded, in the order in which they shall be awarded seats. Parties may not register more than one list.
- The primary party members on this list and the candidates on the list must have a residence in Sylvania and must have been a Sylvanian resident for at least three months.
- During a period of one week any Lovian Citizen may cast their votes in favour of lists in the elections. Any citizen 16 or older may exercise their right to vote, this begins exactly one week before inauguration of the State Council.
- There are three different votes, a major vote worth three points, minor vote worth two and support vote worth one.
- Sylvanian Residents may cast a major vote, minor vote and support vote.
- All Lovian Citizens may cast a support vote.
- All lists will complete the elections with an amount of votes, with the exception of those that have withdrawn.
- Lists that fail to get at least 5% of the vote will not be eligible for seats. Seats will be distributed to each eligible list via the Sainte-Laguë method of proportional representation. Seats will then be distributed one at a time to each primary party member on the list, in the order they were positioned in the list. The owners of the seats will control those seats, they may delegate their seats to all the parties that they wish, but still control the votes of each representative.
- During a period of two weeks parties may register a list from which representatives will be elected for the state, this begins exactly three weeks before the inauguration of the State Council. These lists should contain a list of primary party members, who will control the seats that will be awarded, in the order in which they shall be awarded seats. Parties may not register more than one list.
- Elections for the Sylvanian Government will take place over the period of a month in accordance with the Lovian Constitution.
- Voters in the election must have Sylvanian Residency.
Article 6 - Amending the Constitution in Sylvania[]
- Motions to amend the Constitution are called Amendments.
- Any citizen may propose a motion to the Council of Representatives, should a single representative take on and adopt this motion and propose it to the Council of Representatives it becomes a bill and a new round begins.
- Every bill that has been passed through the Council of Representatives must be presented the the Governor of Sylvania.
- Should they approve of the bill, it shall be enshrined in law and implemented.
- Should they veto the bill, it shall be sent back to the State Council for another round.
Article 7 - Amending State Law in Sylvania[]
- Motions to amend the State Law may be proposals for a new section of State Law, to amend a section of State Law or to remove a section of State Law.
- Any citizen may propose a motion to the Council of Representatives, should a single representative take on and adopt this motion and propose it to the Council of Representatives it becomes a bill and a new round begins.
- Every bill that has been passed through the Council of Representatives must be presented the the Governor of Sylvania.
- Should they approve of the bill, it shall be enshrined in law and implemented.
- Should they veto the bill, it shall be sent back to the State Council for another round.
Article 8 - The Sylvanian residency[]
- To obtain Sylvanian Residency, one must have a residence within Sylvania that they have resided within for at least one month, have made 200 edits and have applied to become a resident with the Sylvanian Government.
- Once a person has applied they must register all legal residences in Sylvania, the date they began living there, their name and any other information the Sylvanian Government may reasonably demand.
- It shall be a role of the Sylvanian Government to keep this register up to date.
- Those with Sylvanian Residency have rights which are protected by the Sylvanian State Council, the Sylvanian Government and the Sylvanian State.
- The right to freedom of speech, thought and religion.
- The right to equality in law.
- The right to vote in Sylvanian elections.
- The right to stand as a candidate in Sylvanian elections.
- The right to make legal contracts and hold property.
- The right to refuse access to ones property, unless a warrant from the Sylvanian Judge allows such access.
- The right to sue and be sued.
- The right to defend oneself in court.
Sylvanian State Law[]
Sylvanian Civil Law[]
- Article
- Section
- Clause
- Section
Sylvanian Commercial Law[]
- Article
- Section
- Clause
- Section
Sylvanian Criminal Law[]
- Article
- Section
- Clause
- Section
Sylvanian Public Law[]
Local Government Act[1][]
- Article 1 - Local Government
- Local government is the devolution of spending and executive powers from the State level.
- There are six regions that powers are devolved to.
- The Headlands Region, containing the Charleston District and the Stephen Headlands District.
- The Highlands Region, containing the Clave Rock District and the Sylvanian Highlands District.
- The Bay Region, containing the Noble City District and the Noble City Bay Area District.
- The Eastern Region, containing the Oostermond District and the East Sylvania District.
- The Isle Region, containing the Pool District and the Discovery Island District.
- The Plains Region, containing the Train Village District and the Train Village Plains District.
- Local governments are limited in their executive powers.
- They are responsible for naming, organizing and maintaining of urban parks, public places, streets, markets and roads.
- They are given power over spending within their region, maintenance of local government, services and projects that affect their region.
- They are responsible for regulating building projects in their region and are responsible for approving or denying them.
- They are responsible for regulating property transactions in their region and are responsible for approving or denying them.
- After local government elections, the governor must announce a budget for local governments. This shall be done by announcing how many Lovian Dollars a region shall get per inhabitant.
- Should a local government spend all of its budgeted money they may not spend any further.
- A local government may request that the governor grant them additional funds, in which case the governor may extend their budget by 25% of the original budget, however should they spend all of the extended budgeted money then the budget may not be extended any further.
- Article 2 - Local Councils
- Local councils are made up of 10 seats with each seat holder being granted limited executive power.
- Every year on the 1st of June, elections for local councils must be held over a period of two weeks in every electoral region that will operate under a local council.
- During a period of one week people may register lists from which local councillors will be elected in any of the electoral regions.
- The owner and candidates on these lists must have a residence in Sylvania and must be a Lovian Citizen.
- During a period of one week any Lovian Citizen may cast their votes in favour of lists in the elections. Any citizen 16 or older may exercise their right to vote.
- There are three different votes, a major vote worth three points, a minor vote worth two and a support vote worth one. Citizens may only vote for a candidate once and you may only vote for a party once.
- Sylvanian Residents may cast a major vote, minor vote and support vote in the region if they have an official residence in the region.
- Sylvanian Residents and Lovian Citizens may cast a minor vote and support vote in the region if they have an official residence in Sylvania.
- Lovian Citizens may cast a support vote in the region.
- All lists will complete the elections with an amount of votes, with the exception of those that have withdrawn.
- Seats will be distributed via the D'Hondt method of proportional representation within each district, the owner of a list delegated seats in the local council will control those seats, they may delegate their seats to all the parties that they wish, but still control the votes of each councillor.
- Local councillors shall elect a mayor who shall act as the leader of the council.
- This shall be done in the first round of the local council.
- The local council may punish its members for disorderly behaviour.
- Should the behaviour be considered disruptive enough, the member may be expelled with a one-half majority.
- The local council shall keep a record of their proceedings.
- A round of the local council starts when a proposal is adopted and set forth by one or more local councillors or is introduced by the Governor.
- The round is divided into a debate on the proposal, moving the proposal and voting on the proposal. During the debate councillors may propose amendments to the proposal, which the proposer may accept or refuse. The moving of the proposal is done by the proposer of the proposal and after the proposal is moved it may not be altered. During the voting on the proposal councillors may vote on whether to approve the proposal.
- Should the proposal fail to be moved then it remains under debate until it is moved or expires.
- Local councillors have one vote each and may cast it in favour of the proposal or against it or not cast it at all, only cast votes are counted.
- If a proposal is accepted by the local council with a one-half majority the proposal must be carried out unless the Governor vetoes it within two weeks.
- In the case of a veto, a new round of voting begins and should the proposal be accepted with a two-thirds majority the proposal must be carried out and cannot be vetoed.
- A proposal will expire if it hasn't been moved 28 days after being proposed. Voting lasts for 7 days.
- Article 3 - Committees
- Local councillors shall form a set of committees to fulfil the responsibilities of local government.
- These committees will carry out the specific responsibilities they are assigned and each shall be made up of five members.
- A local councillor may be a member of no more than three committees.
- Each committee must also have a chair, who acts as the leader of their committee.
- They shall have complete authority in their decisions although may be overridden by the local council in a round with a normal majority.
- Local councillors are assigned to their committees in the first round of the local council.
- There shall be six committees by which local councils shall operate.
- A community and family committee to manage the policies relating to community and family related issues.
- A culture and education committee to manage the policies relating to local education and the promotion of local culture.
- An enterprise and commerce committee to manage the policies relating to local businesses.
- A finance committee to manage the budgeting and spending of money assigned to the council.
- A planning and works committee to manage the naming, maintenance and regulation of local building projects, public places and roads.
- A services committee to manage the policies relating to local public services.
- A meeting of a committee starts when an issue is raised by one or more local councillors or is raised by the Governor.
- The round is divided into a debate on the issue, moving the proposal and voting on the proposal. During the debate members may make proposals and suggest ideas or simply debate the issue, the chair will construct a proposal from what is discussed in the debate. The moving of the proposal is done by those that raised the issue and after the proposal is moved it may not be altered. During the voting on the proposal members may vote on whether to approve the proposal.
- Should the proposal fail to be moved then it remains under debate until it is moved or expires.
- Committee members have one vote each and may cast it in favour of the proposal or against it or not cast it at all, only cast votes are counted.
- If a proposal is accepted by the committee with a one-half majority the proposal must be carried out unless the Governor vetoes it within two weeks.
- In the case of a veto, a new round of voting begins and should the proposal be accepted with a two-thirds majority the proposal must be carried out and cannot be vetoed.
- A proposal will expire if it hasn't been moved 28 days after being proposed. Voting lasts for 7 days.
- Local councillors shall form a set of committees to fulfil the responsibilities of local government.
- Article 4 - Sylvanian Local Government Member Order
- To ensure that an up to date record is kept of all current and previous members of various local governments, the Sylvanian Local Government Member Order (SLGMO) is created.
- The SLGMO will file the names of each local government member, the controllers of each local government member list and the political parties of each local government member.
- It shall be a role of the Sylvanian Government to keep this register up to date.
Public Services Act[2][]
- Article 1 - Sylvanian Healthcare Service
- The Sylvanian Healthcare Service shall be established by the Sylvania State Government.
- The Sylvanian Healthcare Service shall ensure that every Sylvanian has access to affordable Healthcare and shall look for ways to improve healthcare in Sylvania and ensure that all concerns raised are addressed.
- The Sylvanian Healthcare Service shall be run as part of a department of the Sylvania State Government and shall work towards its lawful aims.
- A company can be considered under the Sylvanian Healthcare Service if it receives any funding from the Sylvania State Government.
- All local governments will receive a yearly funding from the State Government for the provision of medical centres.
- The funding shall be allocated to the local government, which shall spend the allocated funding on a single medical centre.
- Each local government shall receive funding per head for the amount of people living under its jurisdiction according to the most recent census.
- There is a minimum funding requirement based on the combined minimum funding requirement for major settlements that lie in the local governments jurisdiction. Should the amount of funding that would be given under the per head quota be below the minimum funding requirement then funding equal to the minimum funding requirement is given instead.
- The current funding per head is L$750.
- A settlement is considered a major settlement if it is classified as a village, town or city in the National Settlement Order.
- Each city has a minimum funding requirement of L$30,000,000.
- Each town has a minimum funding requirement of L$6,000,000.
- Each village has a minimum funding requirement of L$2,000,000.
- Extra funding may be allocated to the local government for the same purposes at the discretion of the Governor with consent from the Deputy Governor.
- It shall be a responsibility of the companies under the Sylvanian Healthcare Service to ensure that certain standards are met concerning the service they shall provide and how they are run.
- Companies must be not for profit organisations that do not trade shares publicly.
- Companies may not charge inhabitants for treatments provided or accept lump sum donations above L$500.
- Companies may charge non-inhabitants that are Lovian citizens up to L$750 a year for treatments.
- Companies may charge non-inhabitants that are not Lovian citizens up to L$7500 a year for treatments.
- Companies may not delay treatment to acquire information about whether a patient is an inhabitant or not, this may only be done after treatment.
- It must be the aim of companies under the Sylvanian Healthcare Service to serve its patients primarily instead of shareholders.
- The wealth or insurance of an individual may not be taken into account when allocating treatment, primacy shall be given to those with the worst and life threatening ailments.
- Patients must not be allowed to wait more than six months for treatment.
- No governments; local, state or national; may own a majority share in any company that operates under the Sylvanian Healthcare Service.
- This applies to the members and employees of said governments as well.
- The Sylvanian Healthcare Service must establish a healthcare board for each company under the Sylvanian Healthcare Service to critique the companies that are providing services under it.
- A healthcare board must be made up of paid members that have extensive knowledge in healthcare and are not in anyway related, socially or corporately, to the owners of the company or the company itself.
- The Sylvanian Healthcare Service shall be established by the Sylvania State Government.
- Article 2 - Sylvanian Fire Service
- The Sylvanian Fire Service shall be established by the Sylvania State Government.
- The Sylvanian Fire Service shall ensure that every Sylvanian is protected from natural dangers and shall look for ways to improve said protection in Sylvania as well as raise awareness of common natural dangers in Sylvania and ensure that all concerns raised are addressed.
- The Sylvanian Fire Service shall be run as part of a department of the Sylvania State Government and shall work towards its lawful aims.
- A company can be considered under the Sylvanian Fire Service if it receives any funding from the Sylvania State Government.
- All local governments will receive a yearly funding from the State Government for the provision of fire stations.
- The funding shall be allocated to the local government, which shall spend the allocated funding on fire stations.
- Each local government shall receive funding per head for the amount of people living under its jurisdiction according to the most recent census.
- There is a minimum funding requirement based on the combined minimum funding requirement for major settlements that lie in the local governments jurisdiction. Should the amount of funding that would be given under the per head quota be below the minimum funding requirement then funding equal to the minimum funding requirement is given instead.
- The current funding per head is L$150.
- A settlement is considered a major settlement if it is classified as a village, town or city in the National Settlement Order.
- Each city has a minimum funding requirement of L$7,500,000.
- Each town has a minimum funding requirement of L$1,500,000.
- Each village has a minimum funding requirement of L$500,000.
- Extra funding may be allocated to the local government for the same purposes at the discretion of the Governor with consent from the Deputy Governor.
- Natural dangers must be addressed with primacy being given to the one that threatens the most lives first.
- The Sylvanian Fire Service must ensure that it spends part of its budget on raising awareness and prevention of natural dangers.
- It shall be the role of the Sylvanian Government to establish a state owned company to ensure that a service to address the needs of the Sylvanian people concerning protection from natural dangers is established.
- The Sylvanian Fire Service shall be established by the Sylvania State Government.
- Article 3 - Sylvanian Waste Service
- The Sylvanian Waste Service shall be established by the Sylvania State Government.
- The Sylvanian Waste Service shall ensure that every Sylvanian receives proper waste, refuse and recycling services and shall look for ways to improve said services in Sylvania as well as work towards increasing recycling in Sylvania and ensure that all concerns raised are addressed.
- The Sylvanian Waste Service shall be run as part of a department of the Sylvania State Government and shall work towards its lawful aims.
- A company can be considered under the Sylvanian Waste Service if it receives any funding from the Sylvania State Government.
- All local governments will receive a yearly funding from the State Government for the provision of waste centres.
- The funding shall be allocated to the local government, which shall spend the allocated funding on waste centres.
- Each local government shall receive funding per head for the amount of people living under its jurisdiction according to the most recent census.
- There is a minimum funding requirement based on the combined minimum funding requirement for major settlements that lie in the local governments jurisdiction. Should the amount of funding that would be given under the per head quota be below the minimum funding requirement then funding equal to the minimum funding requirement is given instead.
- The current funding per head is L$125.
- A settlement is considered a major settlement if it is classified as a village, town or city in the National Settlement Order.
- Each city has a minimum funding requirement of L$6,000,000.
- Each town has a minimum funding requirement of L$1,200,000.
- Each village has a minimum funding requirement of L$400,000.
- Extra funding may be allocated to the local government for the same purposes at the discretion of the Governor with consent from the Deputy Governor.
- It shall be a responsibility of the companies under the Sylvania Waste Service to ensure that certain standards are met concerning the service they shall provide.
- Companies must maximise the amount of waste they recycle within their means.
- It shall be the role of the Sylvanian Government to establish a state owned company to ensure that a service to address the needs of the Sylvanian people concerning waste, refuse and recycling is established.
- The Sylvanian Waste Service shall be established by the Sylvania State Government.
- Article 4 - Sylvanian Water Service
- The Sylvanian Water Service shall be established by the Sylvania State Government.
- The Sylvanian Water Service shall ensure that every Sylvanian receives cleaning, purification and supply of water services and shall look for ways to improve said services in Sylvania and ensure that all concerns raised are addressed.
- The Sylvanian Water Service shall be run as part of a department of the Sylvania State Government and shall work towards its lawful aims.
- A company can be considered under the Sylvanian Water Service if it receives any funding from the Sylvania State Government.
- All local governments will receive a yearly funding from the State Government for the provision of water supply centres.
- The funding shall be allocated to the local government, which shall spend the allocated funding on water supply centres.
- Each local government shall receive funding per head for the amount of people living under its jurisdiction according to the most recent census.
- There is a minimum funding requirement based on the combined minimum funding requirement for major settlements that lie in the local governments jurisdiction. Should the amount of funding that would be given under the per head quota be below the minimum funding requirement then funding equal to the minimum funding requirement is given instead.
- The current funding per head is L$335.
- A settlement is considered a major settlement if it is classified as a village, town or city in the National Settlement Order.
- Each city has a minimum funding requirement of L$15,000,000.
- Each town has a minimum funding requirement of L$3,000,000.
- Each village has a minimum funding requirement of L$1,000,000.
- Extra funding may be allocated to the local government for the same purposes at the discretion of the Governor with consent from the Deputy Governor.
- It shall be a responsibility of the companies under the Sylvania Water Service to ensure that certain standards are met concerning the service they shall provide.
- Companies must provide for all their customers clean drinkable water. (to come into force 1st September 2015)
- Companies must provide for all their customers running water and a means of having hot water. (to come into force 1st September 2015)
- There shall be a limitation on the chemicals or substances that may be put into purified tap water by companies operating under the Sylvania Water Service.
- Any chemicals or substances that over a short or long period of time affect the personal disposition to any noticeable degree or negatively affect the health of an individual may not be added to water in an amount that may cause such affects over a short or long period.
- It shall be the responsibility of the Sylvanian Government to set up a Sylvanian Water Board which shall make precise limitations on chemicals and substances and which shall ensure proper regulation of water.
- It shall be the responsibility of inspectors employed by the Sylvanian Water Board to regularly ensure that no water has chemicals above limitations within it.
- It shall be the role of the Sylvanian Government to establish a state owned company to ensure that a service to address the needs of the Sylvanian people concerning cleaning, purification and supply of water is established.
- The Sylvanian Water Service shall be established by the Sylvania State Government.
- Article 5 - Private Initiatives and Competition
- Private companies may also provide public services in the place of state owned companies in certain areas.
- Companies must be evaluated by inspectors from the Sylvanian Government to ensure they meet requirements.
- The requirements for private companies that wish to provide public services are as follows.
- They must be considered to treat employees to a good standard and there must be no abuse of employees rights in their history.
- They must provide services to a high standard and must be able to prove that they put customers at the forefront of their interests.
- They must prove that stakeholders are treated as equally or more importantly than shareholders by their company.
- No governments; local, state or national; may own a majority share in any company that operates under the public services. This applies to the members and employees of said governments as well.
- Private companies that provide public services must be correctly regulated by the Sylvanian Government.
- They must allow a full time inspector to regulate them on a daily basis.
- They must adhere to any requirements that a company under any public service would have to.
- They must provide access to detailed company records and information to the inspectors.
- Private companies that provide public services should practice competition, as long as it is not detrimental to customers.
- The assigned full time inspectors will assess bi-annually in a report to the Governor, whether a company is correctly practising competition and recommend steps to be taken if it is not correctly practising competition to ensure that it does.
- Private companies may also provide public services in the place of state owned companies in certain areas.
- Article 6 - Illegalities
- An illegality may be committed if any of the following occur.
- A local government incorrectly spends money that was allocated to it.
- A company under a certain service fail to meet certain standards as defined in law.
- A company fails to meet its lawful aims or directives.
- A company overcharges a customer as defined in law.
- A company adds chemicals beyond the limits as defined by the Sylvanian Water Board.
- A company fails to allow proper access according to law to an inspector.
- A company fails to meet its requirements to provide public services.
- A company resists regulation.
- An inspector fails to correctly carry out their lawful function.
- A government, member or employee of a government owns a majority share in a company under the public services.
- Illegalities committed may be punished in the following manners.
- Illegalities committed by a local government may be punished by imprisonment of the local government members for up to 5 years, by a fine of a reasonable amount or by the confiscation of property as the judge sees fit, as well as eviction from the local government in question. Preference should be shown towards a fine as punishment.
- Illegalities committed by a company may be punished by imprisonment of the owners or responsible employees for up to 5 years, by a fine of a reasonable amount or by the confiscation of property as the judge sees fit, as well as the seizure or nullification of shares in the concerned company provided that the owner of said shares committed a serious offence that proves their inability to reasonably decide on company policy as determined by the judge.
- Illegalities committed by an inspector may be punished by imprisonment for up to 5 years, by a fine up to L$5,000 or by the confiscation of property as the judge sees fit, as well as restriction from working for a government within Sylvania. Preference should be shown towards restriction from working for a government within Sylvania and a fine as punishment.
- Illegalities committed by a government, member or employee of a government may be punished by imprisonment for up to 5 years, by a fine up to a reasonable amount or by the confiscation of property as the judge sees fit, as well as restriction from working for a government within Sylvania or the seizure or nullification of shares in the concerned company to bring ownership levels back into lawful means. Preference should be shown towards restriction from working for a government within Sylvania and a seizure or nullification of shares as punishment.
- An illegality may be committed if any of the following occur.
Sylvanian Social Law[]
- Article
- Section
- Clause
- Section
Registers and Records[]
- to directly access registers and records : Sylvania State Law/Registers and Records
Sylvanian Residency Register[]
- Administrated by acting Governor and Deputy: Lukas Hoffmann and Nicholas Sheraldin
To apply for Sylvanian Residency you must complete the following procedure.
Sylvanian Residency requires you to have the following:
- A residence within Sylvania that you have resided within for at least one month
- 200 edits under your belt
And then for you to submit the following to the administrators:
- The location of all legal residences in Sylvania
- The date you began living in them
- Your name
The administrators can request further information that you must provide them with unless you feel it is unreasonably, the level of reasonability shall be decided by the State Judge.
Those with Sylvanian Residency are protected by the Sylvanian State Council, the Sylvanian Government and the Sylvanian Judge. They are guaranteed certain rights by said authorities as listed in the constitution.
Sylvanian Local Government Member Order[]
- Administrated by acting Governor and Deputy: Lukas Hoffmann and Nicholas Sheraldin
Sylvania State Councillor Order[]
- Administrated by acting Governor and Deputy: Lukas Hoffmann and Nicholas Sheraldin
See also[]
- ↑ Drafted by Lukas Hoffmann. Accepted into law on the 6th of July 2013; no round in the State Council; approved by the Governor and enshrined in law.
- ↑ Drafted by Lukas Hoffmann. Accepted into law on the 23rd of September 2013; 28 in favour, none against in the Council of Representatives; 6 in favour, none against in the Senate; approved by the Governor and enshrined in law.