
So with all the feed back we should propose like a State reform 2010, major changes to the constituion and maybe have a State Reform 2011 (To our newer users: This was a set a bills passed with small changes and major changes to the fed law and constitution)

Ideas you posted that were the best and should be put into effect:

  • Creation of a 100 member congress

Pros: Makes us look larger, more "fun" let's us dive more into politics

Cons: Harder to vote, with one fundred members, would have to have a new election system

  • Making our population large

Pros: No cons just awesome!!!

  • Making Noble City a federal district and adding a small hamlet on the very northeast coast in Sylvania

Pros: I kinda like this idea, Noble City in my opinion should be a state so it's kinda the go-to place for everthing politics, art, and stuff. And the rest of Sylvania to be sorta a small, camping mountinous place.