Vanguard Vanguard Group of Companies Vanguard
Vanguard - Atlantis - Hampton - Pinas - Roader

Vanguard Group - 3 Mandarin Park Lane, Mandarin Village, NC - T: (01) 57 21 602. F: (01) 57 13 660

Vanguard Group


Name Vanguard Group
Type public/joint stock company
Product cars
Origin Lovia
Founded 1953
Headquarters Noble City

Vanguard Group (VG) is the largest Lovian automobile and commercial vehicles manufacturer.


Vanguard Group was founded in 1953 when Vanguard Cars took over its engine manfacturer. They took over hig-end luxury car-maker Hampton Motors in 1971. The group was a small concern until 1995, when it purchased Atlantis and fixed its fortunes. In 2001 it took over Roader after a bidding war with a Korean company. Roader, who had not made cars in a while, was totally revamed under its new owners and is at its most successful.

Automobile companies[]

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