Yuri Aksyonov Identity
Contrabass balalaika
Name Yuri Aksyonov
Full name Yuri Semyon Aksyonov
Born 3 January, 1978, Novosevensk Seal Novosevensk, Seal of Seven Seven
Home Novosevensk Seal Novosevensk, Seal of Seven Seven
Functions Musician
Balalaika Player
Languages English, Russian

Yuri Aksyonov (NK Russian: Юрий Семён Аксёнов; 3 January 1978 in Novosevensk) is a Russian-Lovian balalaika player who is also a current politician for the Conservative Nationalist Party as he is in a center-right libertarian position. He is well known to the village of Novosevensk for preforming his balalaika act at Abraham Harbor and sometimes the Bay of Estonia every Wednesday for no cost or donations completely.


Yuri Semyon Aksyonov was born in 1978 in an apartment building (now bombed down) in the small town of Novosevensk to very rich parents. He was privately educated as his parents could afford this and he eventually went to a non-public special university that specialized in Russian and music. He learnt how to play the balalaika and went on to play the balalaika for the village he grew up in and started a political career as an independent. He is now in the Conservative Nationalist Party.
