Hannis Media Group
ZAM TV - La Quotidienne - HebdoMag - Balancing Point Publishers
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ZAM TV is a privately-run Lovian television company, providing television to the nation. It broadcasts from Discovery Isle. It was founded in December of 2009 and is also called ZAM Network. ZAM Network has only one broadcast tower, being that on Discovery Isle. Its headquarters are in Downtown Noble City. It has a total of 5 channels. ZAM TV's CEO is Edward Hannis and there are about 57 employees, most of which are salesmen and repairmen.

Channels in ZAM Network[]

The ZAM Network has 5 channels, being channels 1-5 on many televisions in Lovia.

Channel 1 - ZAM General[]

ZAM General is the channel 1, and has news, reality, comedy, and sports. It is, as the name suggests, the general channel, and has almost all genres of television.

Channel 2 - ZAM Sports[]

ZAM Sports is on channel 2, and has sports. It features live coverage of all games of all sports, as well as sports-related films and discussion during all hours of the day. ZAM Sports is also a sponsor of many local sports.

Channel 3 - ZAM Cinema[]

ZAM Cinema is located on channel 3, and is the place for movies. For all hours of the day, movies are being played, with no stopping. New movies are being added all the time to its playlist, and it is estimated that there is about a week of nonstop film in their records at any time.

Channel 4 - ZAM Extra[]

ZAM Extra is a supplementary channel, and requires an extra payment. It may feature almost anything, and is much like ZAM General, except contains no advertisements, and has only highly-rated material.

Channel 5 - ZAM Arte[]

ZAM Arte is the channel of the arts. It is on channel 5, and has operas, comedies, plays, and performances for those who have a love for all things pleasing to the heart and soul. It is the most successful channel in ZAM Network.

Channels in ZAM Network +[]

In mid-December of 2009, ZAM TV opened new additional channels, being channels 6-20 in Lovia.

Below is a chart showing the channel numbers, channel names, and rating (at worst*).

6 ZAM News PG-13
7 ZAM Sports + G
8 ZAM Cinema + R
9 ZAM Family G
10 ZAM Kids G
11 ZAM Science G
12 ZAM Cuisine G
13 ZAM Politics PG-13
14 ZAM Inspiration PG-13
15 ZAM Documentary PG-13
16 ZAM Biography PG
17 ZAM Soap PG-13
18 ZAM Action R
19 ZAM Comedy R
20 ZAM Mystery R

*At Worst: A channel's At-Worst rating is the highest rating it gets on a daily basis. A channel may have PG material for most shows, but if even 1 daily show is above PG (eg. R), then the At-Worst rating will be that rating (eg. R).

Channel 0:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 24:00
1 News Early Morning Show

Varied Programming

News Youth Programming News Discover Varied Programming News Cinema
2 Early SportsTalk Scores UpDate Varied Programming Afternoon SportsTalk Varied Programming
3 Cinema
4 Varied Programming
5 News Morning News 12 at Clock 13 at Clock Afternoon News News Evening News
6 News Morning News 12 at Clock 13 at Clock Afternoon News Regional News Evening News
7 Varied Programming Sport News Football Tennis Martial Arts Ball Sports Mind Games Sport News Varied Programming
8 Cinema
9 Varied Programming
10 Inspector Gadget Samurai Pizza Cats
17 Varied Programming General Hospital Neighbours The Simpsons Heroes Plus belle la vie Day of our life EastEnders Mother! Varied Programming
18 Cinema House CSI House Midsommer Murders Lewis Varied Programming Lewis
19 The Simpsons Varied Programming The Simpsons
20 Cinema Varied Programming Cinema Varied Programming Wizards of Seven Varied Programming The Ship Craig